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Code of Conduct

Getting On the Bus

Download the RideMVTa App, grab a pocket schedule, or call MVTA at 952-882-7500 to answer all your transit questions before riding the bus for the first time.

We operate on a set schedule. In other words, we know things come up, but in fairness to all our riders, we can’t wait. To avoid being left behind, try to be 3-5 minutes early.

If you’re boarding a bus with other riders, please don’t block access. Forming a nice line makes it easy for everybody!

Since you need to pay for your ride, be sure to have your fare ready (cash or card/transfer). Note that your transfers, Go-To Cards and passes are not transferable to someone else – you cannot lend them, give them away or sell them to others. (Tip: Go-To Cards can be used to pay for a group – just alert your driver.) Failure to pay for your ride can result in a $180 fine. On most routes, fares are paid when entering. On routes from downtown Minneapolis or St. Paul, fares are paid when exiting.

MVTA buses can accommodate two bikes on the outside bike rack on a first-come, first-served basis. Bikes, including E-Bikes and fat bikes, must fit in the bike rack on the front of the bus and cannot be brought onto the bus. MVTA allows collapsible two-wheeled scooters, skateboards, and longboards to travel on MVTA buses.  NOTE: Gas-powered, personally owned travel devices of any kind are never allowed and are strictly prohibited.

Your driver has to make sure everyone reaches their destination safely, so avoid distractions, or, heaven forbid, threats or harassment. Obviously, anyone going down that road may end up dealing with law enforcement.

In dark conditions, wear light or reflective clothing. Carry a flashlight or use your cell phone to signal the driver as the bus approaches your stop.

Dress appropriately for the weather and be prepared for weather changes. The weather when first boarding the bus may be quite different on the ride home.

Road construction may cause route changes. Buses may operate on a snow reroute schedule during winter storms. Check for current information.

Drivers are often the most valuable source of information. If there are questions or concerns once on board the bus, talk to the driver. They can answer schedule questions, fare questions, control the interior bus temperature or make referrals to other sources of information.

In the suburbs, some of MVTA’s buses will stop at any safe corner along the route. Simply wave to the driver as the bus approaches, making yourself as visible as possible. Other routes are considered Designated Stop routes (including 444, 445) and a list of locations where these buses stop is included in the appropriate pocket schedule.

Children 10 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian while riding the bus, they cannot ride alone.

Please don’t do it on the bus, in shelters, transit stations or on platforms. This includes cannabis, e-cigarettes or vaping. In accordance with Minnesota’s updated regulations on recreational marijuana use, cannabis cannot be smoked in public locations where the smoke or vapor could be inhaled by minors.

Whether you’re talking to a seatmate or on your phone. Remember, we’re all in this together, so please keep it down. And by all means, keep it G-rated. No swearing, harassment, shouting or generally being a jerk. Nobody needs that.

Should be set to vibrate or at least ring very quietly. Keep conversations short, and do not distract the driver with loud voices. Remember to bring headphones if you want to listen to music.

For those who will ride after you. Meaning, no feet on the seats. And of course, no spitting gum, tobacco or anything else on the bus or in any transit facility. Likewise, don’t deface, deform, destroy, damage, mar, mark, cut, etch, or otherwise damage any bus or transit facility – that’s flat-out illegal. And one last rule of thumb – if you bring anything on the bus, take it with you, trash included.

Appropriate, reasonable personal hygiene is expected by everyone riding on MVTA. In the event that a passenger’s poor hygiene disrupts service or presents a direct threat to the health, safety or comfort of others that passenger may be suspended from service on MVTA until the situation is resolved. Any scents you like to wear might not be enjoyed by your neighbor, especially in a small, enclosed space. So please, go easy on the perfume or cologne.

There are designated seats at the front of the bus reserved for seniors and customers with mobility needs. If the seat is needed, be prepared to cheerfully relocate.

You know the rest. Just like in stores and other businesses, customers without shirts or shoes are out of luck. If you want to ride, dress accordingly.

We love people, but transit facilities are public locations for transit customers. So just hanging out at facilities isn’t allowed.

Please remove your child(ren) from the stroller, collapsing it to stow with you in your seat. Strollers should not be placed in aisles, in front of doorways or in the wheelchair area.

Is a no-go if you want to go on the bus. Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited on buses and at MVTA facilities.

Coffee is cool if it’s covered. Feel free to bring your morning coffee, but in a container with a sealed lid. And remember to take the container off the bus with you when you leave.

It’s simple: do not sell, deliver, barter or exchange any goods, services or merchandise on MVTA buses and at MVTA transit facilities. The same for begging or panhandling.

If there are no seats available when boarding, please move as far back into the bus as possible. And please let standing passengers exit first, followed by seated passengers from the front of the bus to the back.

Pets are welcome on buses as long as they are kept in animal carriers. This does not apply to service animals.

Remember that transit buses do not have “stop” arms as school buses do. Whenever possible, cross behind, not in front of, a transit vehicle. And, please don’t tamper with any of the equipment on buses or at transit facilities.

Keep your items on your lap, not the seat next to you. Your belongings should be limited to the amount you can carry in one trip. Riders are encouraged to limit their number of bags to 3. A wheeled cart is allowed if dimensions don’t exceed 18 x 18 inches and 30 inches in height. Customers must be in control of their cart at all times, and it should be stored in such a way to not impede the movement of passengers or the driver. This may mean folding or collapsing the cart. Remember to take everything with you when you leave. If your carry-on items pose a hazard to or inconvenience for other riders, your driver has the right to keep you from boarding.

For everyone’s safety, it’s just not allowed at MVTA facilities.

Getting Off the Bus

The Guaranteed Ride Home program is free and easy to use. Sponsored by the region, riders must pre-register for the program, and in turn can ride an alternate route home or be reimbursed for cab fare. Registered participants can request reimbursements up to four times per year or $100 in value, whichever comes first. Check out Guaranteed Ride Home for more information and a registration form.

It’s always a good idea to take one last look before leaving your seat. For a lost or found item, call MVTA at 952-882-7500 as soon as possible. Please note item lost, describe item location on-board the bus, bus route and number (if possible), and time and day of travel.

Much of MVTA’s local service is timed to meet regional buses and trains at the Mall of America Transit Station. MVTA’s express services connect with many regional buses in downtown Minneapolis, and in downtown St. Paul. If an MVTA bus does not travel direct to your destination, chances are you can still get there by transferring to another bus.

No individual may engage in inappropriate conduct on, at or in the facilities of MVTA, including in shelters, at bus stops, and at administrative, operational, and maintenance facilities, or on buses used to provide MVTA service.

Inappropriate conduct includes any individual or group activity which is disruptive or injurious to other individuals lawfully using MVTA facilities or services; damaging or destructive to transit facilities or services; or disruptive, harassing, threatening or injurious to transit employees. Customers found to be in violation are subject to suspension from using MVTA services. Inappropriate conduct may also constitute a violation of an ordinance or criminal law.

MVTA drivers work hard to provide safe, on-time, courteous service. If you have any comments, questions or concerns call MVTA at 952-882-7500 or email